We will provide the best service to customers who trust DUBIS through thorough customized customer management.1.The service is different.We will become a company that thinks and solves together for customer performance.Most of the companies that are currently struggling in the bidding market are operated by quantitative attraction.Derby provides quality consulting service through 1: 1 customized management system between customers and staff.2.Knowhow and PrideDerviss pride and pride are his many years of customer care and analysis know-how he has accumulated since the early days of electronic bidding.It is our goal and the way forward for all Derby customers to achieve stable and sustainable results.We promise to become a Derby who is one step ahead in anticipating and preparing for the changing future.3. Customized serviceDerby provides only the information that is necessary for customers quickly. From participation in the bidding to passing the screening will be managed with confidence.We will be a reliable partner you can trust and trust in your busy work.-Privacy Policy: http://www.thebis.co.kr/#/main/etcPrivacy-Derby Site: http://www.thebis.co.kr/#/main-Company: http://www.thebis.co.kr/popup/#/company/map